What Future events will we miss? - Groovy Science


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Sunday, April 26, 2020

What Future events will we miss?

Who would have thought a pandemic will hit Earth by early 2020, pretty crazy, right? After all the world war III warnings in January and 2019-20 Australian Bushfires, we are now in a Global Shutdown without any idea of when we get back to our regular life. As crazy as this year seems, there are many events in the future which are quite insane than anything we have gone through before. The Universe is infinite, and with a lot of tricks up his sleeves. Today we will talk about four major future events that we will miss. From the Supernova explosion to Milkdromeda, these events will blow your minds.

4.No Total Solar Eclipse after 600 million years

  A total solar eclipse occurs because the apparent diameter of the moon in the sky, given the right conditions, is larger than the seeming diameter of the sun, and all direct sunlight is blocked at specific points on the globe. Ultimately, long after you and I have departed, our moon will no longer be large enough in the sky to block the light of the sun completely, and we will no longer have Total Solar Eclipses.

Our moon, as steady as it looks, is drifting away from Earth at the rate of 3.8 centimeters per year. On the other hand, our sun is also gradually growing larger every year. There will be a day when the moon will become too small in the sky to block the whole sun. The day is about 600 million years in the future. In 2017 NASA published some papers regarding this event, which predicts that total solar eclipses will end in about 563 million years. Although, Belgian astronomer Jean Meeus suggests in his bookMore Mathematical Astronomy Morselssuggests that this will not stop total solar eclipses as the orbits of the moon and the Earth will result in periods of on and off total solar eclipses starting in 619 million years, and the very last eclipse won't happen until 1.2 billion years from now. But the last eclipse will be very short; it will occur for merely a few seconds.

So, don't miss any Total solar eclipses because, in the future, this event will be a luxury to experience.

3. Say Bye-Bye to Saturn Rings

 According to NASA's research in 2018 confirms that our beloved Saturn is losing its rings at the maximum rate estimated by Voyager 1 and 2 observations made decades ago. The rings are being pulled into the Saturn by gravity. This estimates that the Saturn will lose the entire ring system in 300 million years. It seems like we might have the answer to the Question "If Saturn was developed with the rings or if the planet acquired them later in life?". This new research supports the latter scenario. This tells us that the rings are unlikely to be older than 100 million years. Now, this indicates that the rings are temporary for these gas giants. Perhaps, we just missed out on seeing giant ring systems of Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. Although, we are lucky to be around to see Saturn's ring system, which appears to be in the middle of its lifetime.

We might not experience major events like the collision of Milky way and andromeda. Still, we have other things to be grateful for, such as Saturn rings, our future descendants will not have this luxury.

2.Betelgeuse or Eta Carinae detonation

For a star to go supernova, it must be at several times more massive than the sun or estimated run from eight to 15 solar masses. Now just like our sun, the star would eventually run out of hydrogen and the helium fuel at its core. Nevertheless, it will have enough mass and pressure to fuse carbon. The heavier elements will build up at the center, and it becomes layered, with elements becoming lighter toward the outside of the star. Now that the core of the star is heating up and becoming denser, eventually, the implosion will bounce back off the core, expelling the stellar material into space, forming supernova.

In the last second, 30 supernovae just went off, somewhere in the universe. Unfortunately, we are in a region of the Milky way where a supernova occurs once every 50 to 100 years or so. But, if we are really lucky, stars Betelgeuse and Eta Carinae might go supernova in the near future, and we will witness one of the most awe-inspiring events in the cosmos. Recently Betelgeuse started dimming dramatically; The 11th-brightest star dropped in magnitude two-and-a-half-fold. Does this mean that the star has reached the end of its cycle? There is still no answer to this question, although if Betelgeuse does defy the odds and blow up in our lifetimes not only will Betelgeuse be visible during the day, but it will rival the Moon for the second-brightest object in the sky. Following is the demonstration of what the Betelgeuse would look if it exploded!

1.The collision of Milky Way and Andromeda

  Currently, Milky Way and Andromeda are about 2.5 million light-years apart. But, the gravity of this massive objects are attracting each other these two galaxies are hurtling towards one another at 112 Kilometers per second, but because of the distance from one another, these galaxies won't collide for another four billion years. Even after the collision, it will take almost a billion years to completely merge and form a new galaxy called Milkdromeda. In fact, our solar system would outlive our galaxy and will have a new cosmic address: A giant elliptical galaxy, formed by the collision and merger of the Milky Way and Andromeda. 

In 2 billion years, our sky would look like this.

And in 3.75 billion years, the night sky would look like a scene from a sci-fi movie. It would be so cool to be alive at that time, to look up at the sky and seeing this massive galaxy just coming right at us. 

But, don't get all FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out). The universe is full of mysteries; we are unlocking these mysteries day by day and getting fascinated by what the universe has to offer us. Who knows, maybe we would be the first generation to be in contact with an alien race or witness the first colonization of mars or if we are really lucky, scientists would figure out a way to travel faster than light. So, be grateful for what we have rather than what we won't. 

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.  

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