NASA's Hubble Telescope discovers a black hole that shouldn't exist - Groovy Science


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Friday, July 12, 2019

NASA's Hubble Telescope discovers a black hole that shouldn't exist

black hole news

Black Holes are mysterious Objects in the universe. We all know that nothing can escape from the gravity of a black hole, not even the light. Astronomers at NASA has an unexpected thin disk of material furiously whirling around a supermassive black hole at the center of the glittering spiral galaxy NGC 3147 using our favorite Hubble telescope. The galaxy is located 130 million light years away. The fascinated thing is that the disk shouldn't be that close to a black hole. This might allow us to test Albert Einstien's theories of relativity. Einstein's General Relativity describes gravity as the curvature of space.

We have never seen the effects of both the general and special relativity in the visible light with this much clarity. It was an interesting peek at the disk too close to the black hole; it's so close that the speed and the intensity of the gravitational pull are affecting how the photons of light look. The data could not be understood unless we include the theories of relativity

Black holes like the one in the center of NGC 3147 does not survive because there is not enough material to feed a black hole like that. So now the mystery is that the thin disk which has been found around this black hole is behaving like a donut rather than flattening out in a pancake-shaped disk. It is also abstruse that why there is a thin disk encompassing a starving black hole. Usually, the type of disk we see here has high luminosity which we did not expect here. Since the black hole is starving it should be eating hence creating less luminosity. The Disk is So closely surrounded the black hole's extreme gravitational field, that the light coming from it is modified, according to Einstien's General Relativity, which gives astronomers a unique look at the dynamic process close to a black hole.

Astronomers Thought that this was the perfect opportunity to confirm that the acceleration disk does not exist. However, what came out was unexpected they found gas in motion producing features which can only explain as being produced by material revolving in a thin disk very close to the black hole. Initially, The galaxy was selected to validate accepted models about lower-luminosity active galaxies - those with black holes that are on a lean intake of material. The model predicted that the acceleration disk forms when a large amount of gas is trapped by a black hole's strong gravitational pull. The disk is whirling around the black hole at the 10% of the speed of light. Hubble Telescope's observations also show that the gas is so rooted in the gravitational spout the light is striving to climb out, and therefore appears stretched to redder wavelengths. This black hole's mass is around 250 million suns.

Astronomers used Hubble's Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) to observe the matter whirling Deep inside the disk. A spectrograph is a diagnostic tool which divides the light from an object into many individual wavelengths to determine its speed, heat, and other properties at very high accuracy. Hubble again proved its importance in the exploration of beyond Without Hubble; we would not have been able to see this fantastic discovery because the black-hole region has a low luminosity. The lights of the stars in the galaxy surpass anything in the nucleus. So if you perceive it from the ground, you're governed by the brightness of the stars, which drowns the weak emission from the nucleus. Astronomers will be using Hubble again to seek for other very dense disks around less active black holes in the similar galaxies. The team's paper appeared online yesterday in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

It is incredible how the disk is whirling the black hole and still has such high luminosity. Thank you for reading the article. If you liked this article, don't forget my other articles on exciting topics of the universe and feel free to comment and let me know what you think about this fantastic discovery.

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